1. You can book a double slot at the crematorium to ensure that there is plenty of time for you to celebrate the life of your loved one.
2. You don't have to use the crematorium for the ceremony. You can hold the ceremony in your back garden, a favourite pub or club, a barn or a field just to name but a few locations. As long as there is proper access and permission then you can do it!
3. You, a friend or a member of the family can conduct the ceremony. You don't have to have a minister or a celebrant.
4. You can have a bugle player, bagpipes or indeed any instrument played at the beginning, during or end of the ceremony.
5. You can hold a celebration of life without your loved one being there. If you or they would prefer a direct cremation then the funeral director can arrange this whilst at the same time you hold a ceremony to celebrate their life.